A review of Oakbank School by Brian king written on Saturday 28th of January 2012
My name is Brian king,I attended Oak bank school late 70s till early 80s,as a boy from glasgow growing up in the 70s i was a bit of a lad,from Lachgrove asesment center Glasgow,to oakbank Aberdeen they said there was no hope for me as they did in the 70s,And i thought the same. till i went to oakbank the staff were great always there if you needed them nothing was a problem,to me that was strange in my day kids were seen not herd,I would like to thank all the staff with my heart,to many name,s to remember now,But Mr Rob I would like to thank him the most he is a great teacher and house master,thank you so much for teaching me the right way to go in life,i,am what i,am because of him if your reading this Mr rob i still know the chop stick on the piano. i would like to take this opertunity to say thanks to a staff member cauld buggie,thanks for trusting me to go to the shop for your cigars, (King Edwards) if i remember right? i could have run away but you said i trust you Brian, Buggie if your reading this i was going to take your money and run,but could,nt becouse no one had ever trusted me before and you did thanks,besides you gave a sore knuckle on the head.anyway thank you all. Mr rob. buggie.Mr Ritchie gym.uncle Sam. Mr Ackins .sorry my memory cant remember anymore names but you,s know who you are.once again THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. BRIAN KING..
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