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"A Gem of a Centre"

A review of Albury Sports Centre by Bisitor to Albury written on Wednesday 25th of May 2011


This is a gem of a Centre in the heart of Ferryhill on Albury Road, just off Fonthill Road and Caledonian Place. It has 5 tennis courts, 12 bowling rinks and a great putting green.

It really is worth a visit to this very friendly Centre that's run by community volunteers in partnership with Sport Aberdeen. I think it's great you can pay a membership for the season and then play tennis and putting for free. If you don't want to do that, you can still turn up and pay for tennis, bowling or putting.

The bowling rinks and putting greens are beautifully kept. In fact, the whole Centre is a little oasis of green in the City.

Tennis coaching is available for all ages and abilities too.

Definitely worth a visit!

www.alburysportscentre.org .

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Albury Sports Centre

Map showing Albury Sports Centre on Albury Road